Friday, February 12, 2010

Duck, Duck, Freddie the Duck

Bright and early Monday morning Kaysha and I went to get our taxes done. OK not so bright and early, it was 3pm, but working graves that's early for me. She was throwing a fit about putting on her clothes but wanted to go with. I was about ready to leave when I decided to give it one last try. I told her we would go feed ducks if she was nice and put her clothes on.... 30 seconds later we were dressed ready and in the kitchen getting some bread. Yes folks that's how easy it was. She wanted to see Freddie the Duck. So we went in to the CPA's office. and she still had the bread bag in hand. As we were about done getting our I's dotted and T's crossed, She holds up the bag and proclaims she's going to feed ALL the ducks. We couldn't stop laughing, it was so adorable. After we got finished up we drove over to this small pond by BYU and fed the ducks. After the bread was finished off we decided to walk around in the ducks (by they way these ducks are not shy) Kaysha started pointing at ducks saying that's not Freddie the duck, or that's just a duck mom. As if there were nothing special about them. Then she pointed to one duck and said "Mom, That's my duck Freddie"

These are our Freddie the duck pictures. I wont lie I don't remember which one is Freddie.

1 comment:

brit said...

FRED SLACKS!! i can't believe she remembers his name! when mom and i went to feed the ducks in springville we named our favorite one fred slacks, but he was brown! i'll have to get the pictures to you, they're so cute! thats so funny she remembers! this made my day:)